DSI Research Day 2023

Research Network

The Data Sciences Institute (DSI) is committed to fostering opportunities to cultivate interdisciplinary collaborations between data science methodologists and researchers in application domains. Collaborative Research Teams bring together expertise from across disciplines who are focused on the development of new data science methodology or the use of existing methodology in innovative ways previously not considered, or not possible, to address questions of major societal importance.  

The figure below maps out the researcher teams and connections across units for awards January 2022 to present.


DSI directly supports over 245 researchers and trainees, many now discoverable on DiscoverResearch – U of T’s online tool to highlight and promote data science research.  

The tool, open to U of T faculty members and affiliate scientists, is an excellent way to search for and learn about data science research expertise.  

How to join DiscoverResearch 

We encourage all DSI faculty and scientists to activate profiles in DiscoverResearch. By creating a public profile via DiscoverResearch, U of T faculty and affiliated scientists can:  

  • Showcase research and expertise – highlight articles, podcasts, videos, etc. 
  • Leverage automated data from trusted sources – publications, grants, awards, etc. – from TSpace, PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, RIS, and more 
  • Signal availability for media requests, graduate student supervision, industry and academic collaboration, etc.  
  • Identify other academics for collaboration opportunities 
  • Download up-to-date CVs and activity reports, and integrate with the Canadian Common CV (CCV) soon! 

To learn more about DiscoverResearch, watch the short primer video, visit the community site, or reach out at discover.research@utoronto.ca  for curation assistance, or if you have any questions or concerns.