In alignment with our goal to accelerate the impact of data sciences across disciplines, we are partnering with the Centre for Analytics & Artificial Intelligence Engineering (CARTE) to offer a summer DSI-CARTE Machine Leaning (ML) Bootcamp for Faculty across the University of Toronto (U of T) and external funding partners.
The Bootcamp is an in-person, week-long, training event at the Data Sciences Institute. Eligible participants are faculty that have a budgetary appointment at U of T or scientists at a DSI external funding partner institution. Faculty budgetary appointments for U of T are continuing, full-time academic appointments with salary commitments from a U of T academic unit.
We invite eligible researchers from all disciplines to participate. There is no registration fee for DSI members from U of T and external funding partners.* Each day will run from 9 am to 4 pm with light lunch and refreshments included. We encourage you to register as soon as possible, as the bootcamp capacity is limited. Participants will be registered on a first-come, first-serve basis; a waitlist will be established.
Spots are limited.
Register now
June 9-13, 2025
Data Sciences Institute
University of Toronto
700 University Ave
10th floor seminar rooms
Spots are limited
Register Here
Format and topics:
The training encompasses a combination of lectures and hands-on programming tutorials in Python. The format is discipline agnostic. Please see the 2025 Schedule below, which incorporates emerging topics on modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Large Language Models (LLM).
While the bootcamp will not focus on mathematical and theoretical aspects of ML, some familiarity with basic calculus, probability and statistics, and some programming experience (in any language) is expected for researchers to fully benefit from the bootcamp lectures and programming tutorials.
For those wishing to refresh their knowledge of relevant mathematical concepts, please see Derivatives, The Chain Rule of differentiation, Derivatives of multivariable functions, Basics of linear algebra, and Basics of probability.
For those unfamiliar with Python, we recommend the following tutorials: Learn the Basics and a Quick introduction to NumPy, a Python package for manipulating numerical data (“Numpy” section at this tutorial)
Instructors: The 2025 DSI-CARTE ML Bootcamp is taught by Eldan Cohen (Assistant Professor, Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto), with programming support provided by Alex Olson (Senior Research Associate, Centre for Analytics and AI Engineering, University of Toronto).
*There may be an opportunity to accept non-DSI faculty members (i.e., faculty appointed at other institutions/non external funding partners) into the Bootcamp subject to a registration fee. Please email for more information.