Summer Undergraduate Data Science (SUDS) Opportunities Program


Through the SUDS Opportunities Program, undergraduate students, who are interested in exploring data science as a career path have an exciting opportunity to engage in hands-on research led by Data Sciences Institute member faculty and scientists across the three campuses.



DSI Celebrates SUDS Cohort of 2024 with Annual Showcase

Read the full story.


Program Highlights

  • 12 weeks from May to mid-August
  • The minimum award is $7,200, for up to 25 students
  • All SUDS students are invited to participate in SUDS program activities
  • Highlight projects at the SUDS Showcase Day and interact with DSI researchers throughout the summer

The SUDS Opportunities Program is an ideal way to get involved in a high-quality and enriching data science opportunity and to experience applications of data science methods and tools in a range of application areas. 

The DSI is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons/persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ2S+ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

  • Research opportunities for Summer 2025 are posted here

How it Works

  • SUDS research opportunities are solicited from UofT faculty members and DSI external funding partner scientists that are focused on data sciences methodology applications in any research area. Faculty members and principal investigators who have one or more positions available for a summer student submit their research opportunities. Research opportunities can include any aspect of basic, applied, or clinical research.
  • The approved list of research opportunity descriptions and supervisors is posted on the DSI website. Interested students apply and rank their top 3 choices.
  • The DSI office and a selection committee review and assess the student applications. Highly ranked applications are sent to the supervisor for consideration and identification of a SUDS Scholar for their research opportunity.
  • SUDS Scholars work on their data science research opportunities and, in addition, the SUDS Scholar cohort across all research opportunities are provided with a full set of data sciences professional development, networking, and research opportunities.

Student Researchers

Expand the sections below to learn more about eligibility and how to apply for a SUDS summer opportunity! 

  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or a foreign student with a valid student visa for the full summer term. 
  • Registered (at the time of application) as a full-time student in a bachelor's degree or professional undergraduate degree program at a Canadian university/college.

  • $7,200 CAD at minimum provided by the Data Sciences Institute to the supervisor for the student.
  • Any supplement above this level may be set at the supervisor's or department's discretion.

  • 12 full weeks in the summer term, between May 1 and mid-August. Start dates and end dates are agreed upon for each student and supervisor.

  • Students interested in applying to posted opportunities are encouraged to apply as early as possible, as we receive a high volume of applications, and positions are filled quickly.

  • As part of the application process, you will need to upload your resume/CV, unofficial transcript, and the name and contact info for your academic reference.  

  • We will hold an info session in early January, as well, for any questions.  

Applications are submitted via the DSI Good Grants application portal.

Register an account and select “Start Application” for “SUDS Student Opportunity Program”.

The application is divided into tabs; each tab includes a set of instructions and fields to fill out. These instructions are also highlighted below.

Applicants will need to complete the following fields.

Tab 1: Start Here

Tab 2: Application Information 

Enter your information as the form requested: 

  • Name 
  • Contact Information 
  • Personal Information 

Tab 3: Statement of Intent 

  • Student Statement (maximum 200 words): summarize your suitability for the SUDS program and your training goals.

Tab 4: Supporting Documentation 

  • We do not have a required minimum GPA for the SUDS program; however, we recommend minimum GPA of 3.3/4.0 for applicants as the program is competitive.  
  • Upload your resume or CV in PDF format. 
  • Upload your unofficial transcript(s) for initial review. If you have multiple transcripts, please save them in a single PDF file. 
  • Make sure you will be arranging the official transcript(s) for your SUDS application. 

Tab 5: Referee Contact 

  • Contact information for an academic reference who will fill out the form. 
  • An academic referee could be your course instructor/professor, lab PI, research supervisor, or your research employer who can speak for your academic excellence and/or research potential. 
  • We recommend that you notify your referee in advance of submitting your application, ensuring you can submit their email address as part of your application. 

Please keep note of the email address that you submit for your reference. In odd cases where the reference request email is filtered out or ends up in a spam folder, note that the email itself is not required to complete the reference request. As long as your referee creates an account in our system at using the email address you submitted (or logs into an existing account with that email address) the option to submit their reference can be found under "Action tasks" in the lefthand menu.

Tab 6: Demographic Survey

  • You will have the option to select 'Prefer not to Answer' for all questions.

Once you have submitted you application on or before January 25, the following things occur:

1) Rank the Opportunities: You will receive a confirmation email that includes a link to rank the top 3 SUDS research opportunity choices. The deadline to rank your opportunities is also January 25, 2024.

2) Reference Form: The Referee indicated on the tab “Referee Contact” will receive an email requesting that they log into Good Grants to fill out the reference form. The deadline to fill out the reference form is February 1, 2024. 

  • The academic referee will fill in a reference form with three questions as below:

    • Describes the applicant’s data analysis skill and research potential
    • Describes whether the applicant will be a good candidate for SUDS scholar
    • Identify and comment on one area of growth for the applicant

    And each question should be in approximately 150 words (no more than 200 words)

Once all the components of your application are complete – application, ranking of opportunities, and your referee submission, the DSI office will review student applications for completeness, eligibility, matching of skill set, and will forward student applications to the supervisor for selection and approval. 


  • Research Opportunities are posted here
  • The deadline for student applications and ranking the opportunities is January 24, 2025.
  • The deadline to fill out the reference form is February 1, 2025. 
  • All students and supervisors will be notified in March.

All SUDS Scholars are warmly invited to participate in the SUDS cohort programming. See the 2024 program as an example.

  • Successful students cannot accept more than one summer studentship regardless of the funding source.
  • All selected summer students must attend a minimum of 75% of the weekly seminars and will be invited to present at the SUDS Showcase.
  • Successful applicants must acknowledge support from the “Data Sciences Institute, University of Toronto” in relevant presentations and publications arising from the supported research. Failure to acknowledge this support will result in the future ineligibility of both the student and supervisor for DSI funding programs.
  • Selected students, supervisors, and opportunities will be posted on the DSI website.

  • Research opportunities for Summer 2025 are posted here
  • SUDS Info session slides are available here.
  • The application deadline for students is January 24, 2025.

Research Supervisor Application


  • The supervisor and any co-supervisors must have a budgetary appointment either at the University of Toronto OR an external funding partner institution. Faculty budgetary appointments for the University of Toronto are continuing, full-time academic appointments with salary commitments from a University of Toronto academic unit.
  • Co-supervision is allowed and encouraged, but for funding purposes, one supervisor must be designated as the primary supervisor who holds the funds.
  • Proposed research should be focused on data sciences methodology or innovative applications in any research area. Research opportunities can include any aspect of basic, applied, or clinical research.
  • Learn more.

Applications are currently closed for this competition.