Participate in Our Study: Understanding the Role of Large Language Models in Scientific Software Development

We are currently conducting an interview study to understand how large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, might affect the practices of scientists and research software engineers to collaborate and develop software. This is part of our Toward a Fair and Inclusive Future of Work with ChatGPT, a DSI Emerging Data Science Program. 

We are conducting these studies to investigate the practices and challenges of leveraging such AI-assisted tools to complete various programming tasks. The objective is to explore opportunities to facilitate better workflow and higher-quality code design in scientific software development. Similar ideas have interested many stakeholders, like “Sloan’s Technology Program Newsletter: How will generative AI change scientific practice?.” This study is in collaboration with Prof. Ishtiaque Ahmed (U of T) and Prof. Dakuo Wang (Northeastern University). The study has secured approval from both the Research Ethics Board (REB) at U of T and the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at Northeastern University.  

If you’re interested in participating in our interview-based study, we kindly request that you complete this brief sign-up survey prior to the scheduled interview. This will enable us to streamline our discussions effectively. As a token of appreciation, each interview participant will receive an Amazon gift card or a $20 USD donation upon the successful completion of the 45–60-minute interview. 

Please contact Assistant Professor Shurui Zhou: with any follow-up questions.