
The governance structure of the DSI currently includes the following bodies:

  • Executive Team
  • Council of Deans & Principals
  • Implementation Committee
  • Research & Academics Committee

Each has tri-campus representation from contributing academic divisions. External bodies include an Advisory Committee and a Partnerships Committee.​

Executive Team

Composed of an Academic Director; an Associate Director, Research; an Associate Director, University of Toronto Scarborough Campus; an Associate Director, Data and Compute; an Associate Director, Training; an Associate Director, EDI and Community Building; an Associate Director, University of Toronto Mississauga Campus; and one senior DSI staff member. Its responsibilities include having a leadership role in developing and executing the DSI programming. 

Council of Deans and Principals

The Council is composed of the Deans and Principals of academic divisions contributing to the DSI; the Associate Vice-President and Vice-Provost, Institutional Strategic Initiatives (ISI); an ISdelegate; and the Academic Director of the DSIIts responsibilities include governance and stewardship of the DSI, and guiding, supporting, and supervising the management of the business and affairs of the DSI. 

Research & Academics Committee

Faculty and trainee members from the DSI Community. Composition is approved by the Council. Their role is to make decisions on funding (e.g. Catalyst Grants, Data Access Grants, fellowships, and other programs) and makes recommendations to the Executive Team on the DSI’s research, training, and Thematic Programs.

Implementation Committee

Composed of the Deans/Vice Deans of Research from participating academic divisions; the Academic Director, Associate Directors, and senior staff of the DIS; an ISI delegate; the Toronto Academic Health Science Network representative; and representatives from the Division of University AdvancementGovernment Relations OfficeUniversity of Toronto Communicationsand Innovations & Partnerships Office, as needed. Its responsibilities include providing ongoing operational support and strategic guidance, connecting with other research endeavors in the divisions, and identifying and acting on opportunities.

The Advisory and Partnership committees are external committees of the DSIThese committees draw from the expertise of external stakeholders and are advisory to the Academic Director of the DSI. Their focus is to provide strategic advice and support partnerships, long-term sustainability, and key fundraising activities with relevant industry partners and national and international initiatives:

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee is composed of leadership from external stakeholders. It provides the Council with strategic counsel and advises on external facing opportunitiesincluding international initiatives. 

Abstract image of data.

Partnership Committee

The Partnership Committee is composed of external representatives from industry and private sectors and community groups. Its responsibility is to advise on industry needs and on partnership and knowledge mobilization opportunities.